string language

英 [strɪŋ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] 美 [strɪŋ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]

网络  链语言; 串语言



  1. Later my new boss told me he had chosen me over a string of qualified candidates because Chinese is such a difficult language to master that he reckoned I must be the smartest of the lot.
  2. Manipulating a string in careful detail to support the needs of a certain language/ country, especially for sorting or displaying purposes.
  3. These properties can be set to uniquely identify the filter, specify a query string, and specify the query language that parses the query string.
  4. But invoking a method with an arbitrary string one that you can modify programmatically opens up additional capabilities in a language.
  5. For example, a particular unit may need an integer and a string in English ( like "Raymond has4 cars"), but requires two integers and a string in another language.
  6. The other major difference between RAP and RCP applications is the entry point ( similar to the main ( String [] args) method in the Java language).
  7. Translators need to open the glossary database, copy an English string, translate it, and store the strings in the new language to the glossary database.
  8. The message string ( msgstr) is the string as it must appear in the target language.
  9. String. substring() is implemented in the Java language by building a new String sharing the original character array.
  10. It must be used to specify the search query string but also to configure the query itself ( in other words, the query language, the spell correction enablement, the collection ID, and so on).
  11. In the previous program, you used both integer and string data and never had to tell the Scheme language what type of data was being used.
  12. String lengths can vary from language to language.
  13. For example, while the Java language has a String class built into the language, the DOM specification defines its own Text class.
  14. Transliterator: This class provides a transliterate() function that can convert the string of characters from one language script to another.
  15. In addition to mapping numeric and byte fields, it also converts string data to the appropriate codepage when the correct codepage for your native language application is selected.
  16. The verb used in this string might not be used in another string due to differences in language or culture.
  17. A string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language.
  18. So, I think this is what Pynchon brings to the string of meditations on what language can do, and what the novel is for, that I began my lecture today with, just recapping for you.
  19. One alternative to checking each literal text string is to create a language parser to decipher each sentence to determine exactly what is being asded.
  20. Chinese Frequent String Extraction and Application on Language Model
  21. A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature.
  22. Enhanced maximum matching method and similar string is brought forward to realize the natural language retrieval of teaching resources.
  23. Bind or join with cement. string together, of morphemes in an agglutinating language.
  24. Valid string is not a unit in grammar but is a unit in language communication and understanding.
  25. The parser is the basis of the symbol table generated by verifying whether a word symbol string is a sentence of the language grammar or not;
  26. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers of English to introduce the awareness of string of owrds and stress the importance of the acquisition of string of words in their teaching to improve users, language expression and enhance the mutual-action in language communication.
  27. Algorithm for deciding whether a string is a substring of the string which belongs to a regular language
  28. Word segregation is the process that cutting the string of natural language into words.
  29. Thus was born the Chinese word technology, the research goal is to solve the Chinese text into words in a string into a combination of problems, a computer-based intelligent information processing Chinese language procedure.